Meet the members of NHNAI steering committee
NHNAI project’s steering committee is composed of NHNAI coordinator and of project managers of partnering institutions.
The members of NHNAI project’s steering committee are :

Mathieu GuillerminNHNAI coordinator (Lyon Catholic University, France)
Mathieu is an associate professor of the Confluence: Sciences and Humanities Research Center at Lyon Catholic University. He holds a PhD in physics and a PhD in Philosophy. He studies philosophical and ethical issues associated with new technologies, especially in the field of AI. He also explores the epistemological questions raised by the articulation of various forms of rationality (between academic disciplines, but also with extra-academic or common-sense rationalities).

Thor Wasbotten(Santa Clara University, USA)
Thor Wasbotten is the managing director of the Ethics Center with responsibility for foundation proposals, contracts and project management. Wasbotten has more than a decade of leadership experience in higher education and a decade in industry. Most recently, he served as director of Community Engagement and professor in the College of Communication and Information at Kent State University. Prior to that, he served as the director of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Kent State and as assistant dean in the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications at Penn State University. In industry, he served as news director at the ABC-television affiliate in Tucson, Arizona, and as station manager and founding news director at the FOX-television affiliate in Boise, Idaho.
Brian P. Green(Santa Clara University, USA)
Brian Patrick Green is the director of technology ethics at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. His work is focused on the ethics of technology, including such topics as AI and ethics, the ethics of space exploration and use, the ethics of technological manipulation of humans, the ethics of mitigation of and adaptation towards risky emerging technologies (including ones with catastrophic risk potential), and various aspects of the impact of technology and engineering on human life and society including the relationship between technology and religion (particularly the Catholic Church). Green teaches AI ethics in Santa Clara University’s Graduate School of Engineering and formerly taught several other graduate engineering ethics courses.

John Selvamani(Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan)
Maria John P. Selvamani is an Associate Professor in the School of Medicine and serves as the Dean of Fu Jen Academia Catholica at Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan. He holds a doctorate in molecular biology and bachelor’s degrees in philosophy and theology. He is the author of the book “Catholic Faith and Evolution” (2016) and has contributed to various journal articles focusing on science and religion and biomedical ethics.

Yves Poullet(University of Namur, Belgium)
Yves Poullet is full professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Namur. His research interests include the issues of privacy, individual and public freedom in the information society as well as the topic of internet governance. He has been during 12 years (1992-2004) member of the Belgian Commission on Data Protection. In addition, he was since its origin, member of Legal Advisory Board of European Commission and the president of the Task Force “Electronic Democracy and Access to public records”. He is a founder of the European Telecommunication Forum, ECLIP and FIRILITE. He also chaired the Belgian Computer Association ABDI (Association Belge de Droit de l’Informatique). Yves Poullet is also an expert for the OECD and the UNESCO.

Rita Francisco(University Catholic of Portugal)
Rita Francisco has an Honours degree and a PhD in Psychology. She is Assistant Professor at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, where she is the coordinator of the Masters in Psychology of Wellbeing and Health Promotion, and of the Post-graduation Program on Child Protection System. She was the founding director of CRC-W: Católica Research Centre for Psychological, Family and Social Wellbeing (2017-2023). She is a consultant for the Directorate-General for Health in health literacy and well-being, and a specialist in Clinical and Health Psychology by the Portuguese Psychologists Association.

Stefano Biancu(LUMSA, Italy)
Stefano Biancu is Associate Professor of Moral Philosophy at LUMSA University in Rome and the Coordinator of the Academic Board of the PhD program ‘Contemporary Humanism’. Before holding positions at LUMSA, he taught Ethics at the University of Lausanne and the University of Geneva and was visiting fellow at the University of Notre Dame (USA), the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Lisbon), the Australian Catholic University Melbourne). In 2022 he obtained the Italian National Scientific Qualification as Full Professor of Moral Philosophy and was appointed Associate of the Rome Global Gateway of the University of Notre Dame. He is the author of several journal articles, book chapters and five books.
Rev. Prof. John Lukwata(Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Kenya)
Rev. Prof. John Lukwata (Theologian and Researcher), is a Catholic Priest of the Diocese of Masake, Uganda. He obtained his PhD in Sacred Liturgy at the Anselmianum, Rome, Italy. He is a full time member of the Faculty of Theology, the Catholic University of Eastern Africa. He has authored several books and articles in reputable Journals. He has participated in many university research projects for instance; he was the Chief CUEA Chief Researcher for the Paths of Development CCR-IFCU Poverty Reduction Project that was completed in 2014. He is currently the Coordinator of Interdisciplinary Theological Conferences. His key areas of interest include: Religion and Culture, Contemporary Forms of Worship, Communication, and Linguistics.

David Doat(University Catholic of Lille, France)
David Doat is an associate-professor of philosophy (philosophy of the technic, philosophical anthropology) at ETHICS EA 7446 Lab (ETH+ team, Catholic University of Lille, France). Graduated in Philosophy from the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve (2006) and Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Namur (2016), Belgium. At the crossroads of the philosophy of biology, philosophical anthropology and moral philosophy, his doctoral thesis (2016) focused on human vulnerability and its impact on human sociality, as well as on the evolution of care and techniques within human societies. Within the past few years, his work has focused on representations of human enhancement and vulnerability, prostheses and artificial intelligences in contemporary philosophical, scientific, trans- and posthumanist literature.

Nathanaël Laurent(University of Namur, Belgium)
Doctor in biomedical sciences and graduate in philosophy, Nathanaël Laurent is a teacher and researcher at the University of Namur (Belgium). His field of research concerns the philosophy of our relationships with living things. He is particularly interested in relational biology (N. Rashevsky and R. Rosen) and the ethics of the relationship (in the encounter) that it allows us to consider.
Nicolas Vergier(IFCU, International Federation of Catholic Universities)
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